In today’s technology-driven world, with the rise of social media, there is no better time to be a real estate agent. The ability to use the latest in web and mobile technologies can really help you find buyers and sellers.
Here are 5 things that you can do today to take advantage of the tech-driven real estate atmosphere.
1) Do Essential Research – Utilizing Google Earth Street View can help you map out areas that are potential destinations for interested home seekers. It will tell you about demographics, commute times, local schools and more. You can also find lists of foreclosed homes available for sale online and get up-to-date foreclosure information through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
2) Keep an Eye on The Competition – Keeping up with your competition is a great way to see what they are advertising and where they're focusing their efforts. Utilize web searches, social media, and other forms of inquiring, like driving by the real estate office, to find out what's going on in the marketplace.
3) Go To Your Network for Reviews – Don't be afraid to ask your network for feedback about how you can improve. I often ask my friends and family how I can do better at social media, what they think of my blogs and more. They are usually willing to provide me with feedback if I'm asking for it! And it really helps boost your standing with Google!
4) Use Your Digital Assets – Don't be afraid to use a digital business card as an opportunity to generate new business. You should give them out at every networking event and even offer them when you speak with someone on the phone. If people are interested in what you do, they will definitely be impressed by you making the switch to digital!
5) Stay Up To Date – It's easy for us to get caught up in our day-to-day routines and forget that there is always something more that we can do when we're trying to generate new business. If you ever get stuck, you can always dive into our resource center or check the blog for fresh new ideas.